
Your Real Estate Navigator

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  • Why should I diversify my investments?

    There are several classes of investments, each associated with its own risk-reward profile; most popular investments are bank deposits, stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate. Reputed financial planners always advise to have a diversified portfolio with a mix or several investment classes and several investments within the same investment class, to construct a portfolio that reflects the risk-reward profile you desire. Certified Financial Planners are most qualified to look at your specific situation and recommend the best mix. This article on Motley Fool gives you a good introduction to this topic.

  • Why should I invest in Real Estate?

    US Census data shows that 65% of US single family homes are owner occupied. Real estate has typically been used as a hedge against inflation and market volatility. Usually, real estate value rises when inflation increases, while markets usually get more volatile. This article on Investopedia gives a good framework for comparing real estate and stocks, in the path to composing a personalized portfolio.

  • How is Real Estate as an investment class different than other asset classes?

    Real Estate differs from other investment classes like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, fixed deposits, and others in terms of flexibility, risk, returns, liquidity, etc. Check out this article from Fortune Builders to get a broader perspective on this subject.