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Investing in Multi-Family Real Estate

As an investor, securing stable, long-term, passive income is the key to financial success and a lucrative investing career. Even in this economic climate, Multi-Family real estate investments are doing well and much better than other classes of commercial real estate. Read More


Understanding Capital Stack in Real Estate Investments

The capital stack describes the structure of investment capital in a real estate project and the level of risk investors take on with each tier in the stack. Before one can decide about investing in real estate opportunities, Read More


Assessing Risk and Protecting Your Real Estate Investments

Making smart financial choices is a goal for a lot of people who want to live better and make more money. Often, real estate is suggested as one of the best investments to grow your portfolio, and for good reason. Read More


Common Metrics Used To Evaluate Real Estate Investments

Common metrics used to evaluate Real Estate investments are Cap Rate (CR), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Cash on Cash (CoC), Holding Period(HP) and Equity Multiple(EM). Read More


Want To Raise $5M Capital for Your Next Real-Estate Project?

If you are a real estate sponsor with experience handling smaller projects, but you’re ready to move up to the next level, you likely have many questions about how to raise capital for larger investments. Moving into the mid-market segment offers many lucrative upsides. Read More


What and Why of Fractional Investing

Real estate is one of the top ways to build long-term wealth in America, but the high startup capital can be cost-prohibitive. Savvy investors have turned to fractional ownership as an efficient way to overcome this obstacle. Read More


How To Finance Your Next Mid-Market CRE Project?

There is no scarcity of capital looking for commercial real estate opportunities. In most situations, this has resulted in intense competition, reduced cap rates, and rapidly increased asset pricing. Read More


Just Got My First Professional Job, Should I Consider Investing In Real Estate?

The real estate market in the United States is constantly changing and evolving, as are the opportunities it provides. In 2021, buyers were forced to compete with multiple offers on each property, tipping the scales heavily in favor of sellers. Read More


How to raise funds for your first CRE project

Real estate is a fantastic investment option since it is dependable, lucrative, and generally accessible. Real estate investments have several advantages, including tax breaks and steady income via rent money. Read More


Can real estate get you 15% plus returns on your portfolio?

Yes, it is indeed possible. If you do the math, with a 25% upfront payment on a 1 million dollar property and a 5% interest rate, purchase a house with a standard 4-5% cap rate. You end up paying $300,000 in your first year of owning the house. Read More


Most frequently asked questions in real estate crowd funding

Real estate has a different risk-return structure and different volatility structure during economic up-swings and down-swings compared to other investments, which can make it a suitable candidate for diversifying an investment portfolio and increasing the overall risk-adjusted-IRR for the overall portfolio. Read More


How to Maximize Returns in Passive Real Estate Investing

Passive real estate investing enables you to earn money while putting forth little effort. The idea is to have your money work for you instead of you working for the money. Naturally, investors want to reap the maximum returns possible from their investments. Read More


Real Estate Investing in a Hyper-Inflation, High Interest Rate Market

Traditionally, real estate has been a hedge against market volatility and inflation. When inflation rises and interest rates rise, real estate values and returns also increase. Read More