
High Quality Deal Flow

We rigorously select the Sponsors and Deals we bring to our investors

How to invest

RealtySlices team is always listening

  • To investors: you are our primary customer. We want to make sure that we understand your investment preferences, so that we can source the right kinds of deals. Always keep the communications channel open.
  • To market dynamics: we are in the business of real estate. We are constantly listening to real estate experts, financial institutions, market research firms, etc., to understand the changing winds in this industry. This helps us assess the incoming deal flow better and let us continuously fine tune our criteria.
  • To sponsors: we work closely with sponsors to make sure we understand their needs and we inform them about the needs of our investor base, to arrive at win-win.

Our Investment Screening Team has years of experience investing and developing in real estate. We assess the background of the Sponsor team (KYC and Background Check), work with them to make sure that Sponsors validate their claims about the property and the investment context (Evaluating the Asset), help them prepare investment material which will make it easier for our investor base to understand and evaluate the investment, and help Sponsors with reaching out to the right legal and tax advisors to structure the deal (Evaluating the Deal Material). We provide online environment and toolset for our Sponsors to curate and manage the entire investment lifecycle, from the start -- raising funds -- through to finish – exiting the investment and delivering investor distributions; all infrastructure needed to reach out to the investors and manage the documentation/messages/webcasts is included. We help them market the investment to the right segment of investors through online and off-line approaches. We make sure that our investors are best served by our Sponsors and us.

Our Advisory Panel helps us reach out to the right kinds of Sponsors and Deals. Finding quality real estate opportunities is a highly competitive endeavor. Our acquisitions professionals live and work in their target markets, formulating trusted relationships with the right people to give us an undeniable edge in sourcing off-market, exclusive deals for our investors.

At the conclusion of each funding round, and at the exit of each investment, we do a comprehensive lessons-learned session to ensure that we are continuously fine-tuning our approaches and bringing the kind of deals you love to invest in.