
High quality Investors

Transform your fundraising approach! Faster, Cheaper Trusted


Immediate access to a large group of real estate investors

No matter how stringent your criteria, we can get you immediate access to a solid pool of qualified investors for your project. Lots of real estate investors have already registered with RealtySlices and shared their investment preferences.


Reduce time to raise funds

In traditional fund raising, it takes a long time to access and present your investment to potential investors. With RealtySlices, we leverage modern marketing, communication and engagement methods to reduce that time by at least 50%.


Reduce fund raising expenses

In traditional fund raising, with lots of stakeholders with their commission structures, processes, and lead-times, the costs add up really fast. With RealtySlices, digitization and automation can reduce your costs significantly, by at least 50%.


Streamline management of the entire investment lifecycle

From raising funds through exit, with RealtySlices, sponsors can manage the entire investment lifecycle through transparency, engagement and smart contracts. With dashboards, deal rooms, and investor rooms, Sponsors and investors have transparency and engagement. All paperwork is digital and transactions are backed by blockchain based smart contracts.