
Deal Screening

Our white-glove service evaluates the Sponsor and the deal


RealtySlices platform is best suited for a Sponsor entity who

  • Is raising up to $5M of equity through our fractional investing platform (Money for the rest of the Sponsor’s project could be raised through avenues beyond fractional investing, and the offering memorandum and investor material will clearly describe the full capital stack)
  • Has at least 3 years of real estate development and operational experience
  • Has at least one project that has exited
  • Has provided a double-digit IRR to investors

The Sponsor

We do a thorough background check of the Sponsor though 3rd party agencies that includes KYC, financial background, legal background , professional background, and track record checks.

We want to see how the sponsor engaged with investors all through the lifecycle, in the past. We look for how they described the opportunities and how they came through on them. We look for timeliness, transparency and suitability of communication when reporting status, good news and bad news. We look to make sure that they have conformed to the regulatory filing requirements, and how they have come through on the promises made to investors. We examine the track-record of the Sponsor in the class and type of investment being contemplated through the proposed listing in our marketplace. We also look to see if this is the kind of sponsor we would be happy to enable multiple project listings in the next 3 to 5 years. We are looking for sound Sponsors who want to have a long term relationship with us and our investors.

The Opportunity

Once we feel comfortable with the Sponsor, we examine the Opportunity proposed to be listed in RealtySlices marketplace. We examine if the Sponsor has demonstrated capabilities that could enable it to successfully execute the proposed deal and deal terms. We source secondary information to examine reasonableness of planning assumptions behind the deal -- do the metrics seem to be within reasonable ranges for such a deal, is the deal aligned with similar deals in the local geography, and, are there reasons why this deal may go beyond the norms for the type/geography/duration/etc.,

We want to make sure that the stated deal metrics are aligned with the preferences of our investor base in RealtySlices. The Sponsor is accountable to the investor and RealtySlices to make sure that it presents, engages and delivers on the promises made in the Offering documents.

Screening the Offering Documents

Having examined the Sponsor and the proposed opportunity, we want to examine if the required deal information is presented in such a way that our investor base can understand the opportunity best and evaluate if it is a right fit for them. We look for the right set of certifications, 3rd party assessments, property acquisition documents, property improvement and operational strategies and plans, financial proformas, and legal documents are being presented by the sponsor to our investors. We introduce to the sponsor, the financial and legal consultants that we have worked with, to help them arrive at a complete set of Offering documents.

We want to always hear feedback from our Sponsors on how we can continuously improve to provide the best fund-raising and investor engagement services possible. We work with you closely, to arrive at Win-Win.